Check out our video library of live stream social media videos. All videos were recorded on Ashakti Wellness social media page via Facebook Live.
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"Let's Talk": Discussions on Life, Love, and Health
Live Stream 11/04/2019
Asha Sims of Ashakti Wellness & Yoga LLC will sit down with our Founder Barjohn Lee as she takes you on her journey of dealing with mental illness and her path to erase the stigma.
Asha Sims is a Licensed Clinical Therapist and Holistic Practitioner who is a part of Barjohn’s wellness team and has been instrumental in assisting Barjohn in her healing journey.
Barjohn is a Mental Health Advocate and Executive Director of SolidShe, Inc. She is also a Certified Peer Support Specialist and uses her platform to support others dealing with mental health conditions.
"Let's Talk": Discussions on Life, Love, and Health: What is Tantra?
LET'S TALK: Life, Love, and Health is " What is Tantra?: A Path to Enlightenment". This engaging discussion with explain what Tantra is and its benefits. We will discuss the importance od sacred sexual energy and how sexual energy can heal on a mental, physical, and spiritual level.
Our guest will me the lovely Riziki Zafari. Riziki Zafira practices The Arts of Active & Shamanic Tantra and considers herself a Transformation Guide. She combines her skills in the Sensual Arts, Herbal Medicine, Cosmology, Energy Healing, Mental/Behavorial Health, and Bodywork. She is a Level 3 Graduate/Certified Teacher and Practitioner of the Grind Trine Tantra System created by Yao Morris, a Master Level (Attuned) Usui Reiki 3 Practitioner, Certified Yoni Steam Practitioner, and travels local and abroad to continue her studies in the shamanic practices and herbal medicine. Her areas of focus are trauma release, emotional intelligence, erectile dysfunction, genital reflexology, orgasmic awareness, intimacy, and providing tools in spiritual empowerment through sensual/sexual awakening and mindfulness for men and women.
"Let's Talk: Discussion on Life, Love, and Health": What is Reiki- Journeys of Self Healing
We back! Join us today at Noon EST for the livestream podcast of LET'S TALK! Discussions on Life, Love,
Hosted by Asha W. Sims, Licensed Clinician, Holistic Wellness Practitioner. Asha is a Clinical Energy Worker and implements Reiki in her personal life and professionally in her private counseling practice.
This discussion will center around the ancient healing modality of Reiki, a form of energy healing. Learn more about what is and how it can benefit you. Guests will include Reiki Practitioners that will share how this form of healing have impacted their lives.