Welcome to the Ashakti Training & Education Institute an affliate of Ashakti Wellness & Yoga PLLC.
The Ashakti Training & Education Institute provides professional development workshops and certification programs for mental health profefssionals, coaches, first responders, and healthcare professionals.
Each training developed or offered will assist in gaining a deeper understanding of holisitc modalities in the mental health profession as well as techniques and tools to assist you in becoming a holistic integrative practitioner.

List Of Courses/Workshops
Sign Up for these wonderful FREE webinars on various holistic and alternative modalities, techniques, and interventions in Mental Health.

What is Holistic Therapy
This webinar will provide information on a holistic approach to psychotherapy utilizing Western approaches of talk therapy combined with Eastern.. Click here for more information.

What is
Psychotherapeutic Reiki?
Upcoming Workshops
Are you looking for a deeper understanding in healing?
Are you looking for innovative ways to assist others in reach their goals and potential?
Are you wanting to explore your own personal growth and facilitate your own healing?
In this class, you also gain insight in how to incorporate this healing modality for your own personal use, clients, and family.

Sign Up Here !
If you are seeking to expand your practice?
If you are looking for ways to integrate your practice?
If you are seeking alternative and non -traditional approaches to healling?
Be the first to sign up for these wonderful programs?
Get on the mailing list so you will receive information on the 2023 Certification Programs!